Articles & Notes RSS feed for Atila's writing
Writing is my go-to alternative to sedimenting my knowledge. By writing I can anticipate my first questions and deepen my knowledge on topics, so when I reach a minimal degree of understanding I jump to a text edi tor. This has helped me a lot in collaborating with wonderful people who just motivate me in going further. My most recent articles can be found on Smashing Magazine .
What Does AI Really Mean?
We, as human beings, don’t worry too much about making sure the connections land at the right point. Our brain just works that way, declaratively. However, for building AI, we need to be more explicit. Let’s dive in!
The Hype Around Signals
From KnockoutJS to modern UI libraries like SolidJS, Vue.js, and Svelte, signals revolutionized how we think about reactivity in UIs. Here’s a deep dive into their history and impact.
The Era Of Platform_name Primitives Is Finally Here
Application frameworks have built whole ecosystems on top of them. Let’s take a closer look at serverless platform_names such as Netlify’s Platform_name Primitives and explore how they can increase our productivity with a serverless fullstack experience.
SolidStart: A Different Breed Of Meta-Framework
Are you ready for a little exercise of pulling a framework apart and putting the pieces back together? In this article, Atila Fassina explains how meta-frameworks have evolved around core libraries in their own unique ways.
Fine-Grained Access Handling And Data Management With Row-Level Security
There are a few different reasons your app might need data access management: security and privacy, industry standards compliance, or data access control. Multi-tenant user is a commonly used architecture, and therefore, you need a reliable way to manage access. Let’s have a look at what Row-Level Security means!
Understanding App Directory Architecture In Next.js
The new App Directory architecture has been the main character of the recent Next.js release, which keeps bringing up many questions. In this article, Atila Fassina explores the advantages and pitfalls of this new strategy and reflects on whether you should use it in production now or not.
Code Documentation, Streamlined
Writing code documentation can be overwhelming when there’s no smooth process in place. Streamlining best practices and setting automation in your favor works a long way toward getting permanently up-to-date content that reflects the important pieces of your codebase.
What's new in Next.js 13?
Let’s talk about Next.js, one of the most well-known React frameworks used for production. From new components to font optimization, Atila shares a quick overview and invites you to join his Advanced Next.js Masterclass taking place later this month.
The Rise Of Serverless Databases
In this article, the first part of “Databases for Front-end Developers” series, Atila Fassina helps you understand the concepts behind database architecture in order to use them reliably and sheds some light on serverless databases.
Remix Routes Demystified
In the past months, there have been lots of talks dedictaed to Remix. Routing is not only one of the things that sets it apart from other frameworks, but it also fuels great performance and improves the overall experience for developers. Let’s dig in to all of the features that build up routing in this powerful framework.
A Recipe For A Good Design System
Maintaining a design system is a lot of work. In this article, Atila Fassina shares his lessons learned and how a platform_name such as Backlight can help put together a series of tools to speed up your architecture setup.
How To Benchmark And Improve Web Vitals With Real User Metrics
Web Vitals are the new gold standard in performance due to their direct correlation with the user’s experience. In this article, you’ll learn what monitoring can do and how RayGun can help you sustain performance maintenance while scaling your app.
Localizing Your Next.js App
Internationalized routing is not exactly a new feature on Next.js. In this article, we are not only checking what we get from this feature, but also how to leverage such functionalities to achieve the best user experience and a smooth developer experience as well.
State Management in Next.js
By combining some React APIs, we can accurately manage “simple” states. With Next.js though, we can quickly find situations where we need to accommodate many other requirements. Let’s have a look at some patterns to accomplish all that.
Breaking Down Bulky Builds With Netlify And Next.js
Static Generation is great for performance — until the app gets too big and build-times go through the roof. Today, we’ll have a look at how Netlify’s fresh On-Demand Builders can fix that.
Tree-Shaking: A Reference Guide
“Tree-shaking” is a must-have performance optimization when bundling JavaScript. In this article, we dive deeper on how exactly it works and how specs and practice intertwine to make bundles leaner and more performant. Plus, you’ll get a tree-shaking checklist to use for your projects.
Jumping into Webmentions
How does a site implement Webmentions? In some cases, like WordPress, it’s as trivial as installing a couple of plugins. Other cases may not be quite so simple, but it’s still pretty straightforward. In fact, let’s do that now!